
On January 13, 2025, the Washington Post published Jenny Reardon’s Opinion Piece, “On Kansas backroads, I found people who are solving problems.”

Never Just a Hot Day, on September 20, 2022Jenny Reardon posts new blog series about her ongoing research involving biking through the prairies and small towns of Kansas.

On July 08, 2021, the recently published American Geography: Photographs of Land Use from 1840 to the Present (Radius Books, 2021) containing Jenny Reardon’s chapter on “Bloody Kansas: Forging Knowledge and Justice at the Horizon’s Edge”, was reviewed by Kerri Arsenault as Darkness on the Edge of Town with Los Angeles Review of Books.

On May 20, 2021 Jenny Reardon joined photographer Terry Evans and visual artist Wendy Red Star for a conversation with Radius Books about the ethics of photography and its role in mediating our understandings of land and lives. The conversation was centered around their recently published book American Geography: Photographs of Land Use from 1840 to the Present. A recording is available.

On May 20, 2021Jenny Reardon and UCSC Film & Digital Media Professor Anna Friz released, Nowhere: In Particular, an audiovisual experience. Nowhere: In Particular, offers a window into field recordings—in image and in sound—that reveal that contrary to the colonial imaginary of Kansas as an empty land, the land and air are thick, teeming with life elemental and organic, human and non-human, ancient and newborn. Read more and watch the audiovisual piece here.

In May 2021Jenny Reardon published a chapter on “Bloody Kansas: Forging Knowledge and Justice at the Horizon’s Edge” in American Geography: Photographs of Land Use from 1840 to the Present (Radius Books, 2021).

On February 2, 2020Jenny Reardon spoke with UCSC Politics Professor Ronnie Lipschutz and host of Sustainability Now about her project biking through Kansas on Santa Cruz local radio Station KSQD.

Hail Bail?, on September 23, 2019Jenny Reardon posts new blog series about her ongoing research involving biking through the prairies and small towns of Kansas.

On July 10, 2019 Jenny Reardon posts What Are We Doing… Out Here?, a new blog series about her ongoing research involving biking through the prairies and small towns of Kansas.

Reardon’s Caring For Prairie project, as explained in the April 13, 2019 podcast launched The Sociological Review, Britain’s longest-standing sociology journal.

On April 03, 2019, posted as Along A Sheltering Bluff, Jenny Reardon continues blogging about her ongoing research involving biking through the prairies and small towns of Kansas.

Posted on September 19, 2018 as Rattled: Riding the Dust BowlJenny Reardon continues blogging about her ongoing research involving biking through the prairies and small towns of Kansas.

Back to Kansas, on June 12, 2018 Jenny Reardon continues blogging on her ongoing research involving biking Under a Blistering Sun through the prairies and small towns of Kansas.

On September 17, 2017 Jenny Reardon launched a blog series on her ongoing research to Bike Kansas!